Watch “Building 7: Controlled Demolition” on YouTube

So I’ve had this argument with people who believe that 9/11 happened according to the official story.

3 buildings fell that day. Only 2 were hit by planes. The 3rd was a reinforced skyscraper designed to withstand more punishment than a normal building. Why? Because it was a government building. It contained a bunch of government records and departments.

The story is that the building fell due to a couple small fires and from getting hit with some falling debris.

The fire is complete crap, as there have been at least 2 skyscrapers that have fought fire since. They are both still standing.

The debris theory is also crap as any falling debris would have knocked into the top of the building.

No, building 7 fell starting at the bottom. Watch below the side by side comparisons of building 7 on the left and controlled demolitioned buildings on the right.

What Happened To Freedom Of Speech?

If anyone hasn’t heard yet, Phil Robertson, the man behind the Duck Dynasty family has been suspended from the upcoming shows. If you haven’t hear you can Read the story here.

Briefly, Mr. Robertson was giving an interview with GQ magazine. He gave his opinion on being gay. Mr. Robertson is a heavily religious man, and doesn’t agree nor understand being gay.

He later, while talking about what he considers sin, clumps homosexuality, promiscuity, infidelity, and of all things bestiality, together in one lump sum.

Right or wrong, whether you agree or disagree, Mr. Robertson is the latest celebrity VICTIM of an insane ‘politically correct’ society. Yes I said it. Phil Robertson is the victim in this case.

He expressed his opinion. EVERYONE on this planet is entitled to their opinions. He did not attack anyone. He didn’t cause harm to anyone. He didn’t infringe on anyone’s rights. He committed no crime.

Yet because we find ourselves living in a country where freedom of speech is being replaced by political correctness; a country where being part of a majority (either through race or especially religious beliefs) automatically makes you bad. We find that voicing an opinion contrary to what is now deemed ‘socially acceptable’ means that we lose out on our free speech.

Historically, celebrities who voice their opinions are forced to undergo psychological counseling to cure them of their bigotry.

But isn’t having an opinion human? Don’t we all see things differently? Isn’t that what makes us…us? Isn’t it scary that celebrities and even non-celebrities are being forced to think a certain way? That our children are being indoctrinated into believing that having differing opinions is bad?

Don’t get me wrong. Hate is bad. But disagreeing with something because of a personal moral and religious code doesn’t equal hate. It equals personality. Had Mr. Robertson went on a rant that the gays should be executed or tortured, then that would be a different story. He didn’t. He expressed an opinion. See the difference?

And for the record, there are recorded spots in history where beastiality was accepted. Especially in certain pagan religions. So things that are acceptable and not acceptable change with time.

We live in a supposedly free society but yet we punish those with unpopular beliefs. Doesn’t make sense to me.

This is a great quote from the Supreme Court case Terminiello vs. Chicago (1949)

[F]reedom of speech…,” Justice William O. Douglas wrote for the 5-4 majority, is “protected against censorship or punishment, unless shown likely to roduce a clear and present danger of a serious substantive evil that rises far above public inconvenience, annoyance, or unrest … There is no room under our Constitution for a more restrictive view.”

As the youtuber Montagraph says at the end of every one of his videos, “If you can’t speak freely you are simply not free.”

This Is What We Need Here In America

ICELAND. No news from Iceland?… why? – CNN iReport

Starting with nationalizing the banks, through the states, and out of the hands of the Federal Reserve in and of itself would make a huge difference to our economy.

Removing our government officials is a no brainer. Then arresting and prosecuting each and every one of them who had a hand in creating this situation we are in.

Prosecute the banks.

Amend the constututuin reemphasizing the powers of the states, the limits of the federal government. Most importantly bringing back the Bill Of Rights to it’s prominence.

Norway did it peacefully. We can do it here.

To those who feel I am racist….

I have been called racist for my criticism of obombya. (I refuse to give a title of honor to someone who is so willingly trying to destroy my country.) While it is true I don’t like the man, the motivation for my dislike has nothing to do with skin color. The following article paints a very good picture of what I base my disdain on. ( For the record, I hated bush too!)

It is my opinion that our president and many of our elected officials need to be not only arrested and/or impeached, but tried for treason against the Constitution of the United States of America. The very document our so called elected leaders swear an oath to uphold.